Surgeon Simulator Wiki

Teeth are only seen in the teeth transplant operations:


  1. Cut the straps on both sides of the mask. Aim for the darker regions of the straps.
  2. Take the tool of your choice and touch the brown teeth with it. After causing enough damage they will automatically fall out.
  3. Open one of the three plastic containers containing the teeth and grab the tweezers.
  4. As soon as you touch one of the tooth with the tweezers, they will be grabbed and held in place.
  5. Move the tweezers with the tooth into the mouth of the patient and they will automatically latch to the first free place they touch.
    • If you removed some non-rotten teeth, you don't need to replace them.
    • It is irrelevant which sort of tooth you put at which position. You can just give the patient all 'grinders' and the mission will succeed anyways.
  6. After all spaces where the rotten teeth were at are filled, the operation ends.


  • Use the small hammer on your right for precision to get the achievements from minimizing blood loss.
  • Use the drill for speed.
  • Use the tools to the left of the small hammer to slowly pick at the rotten teeth for 'You Can't Handle the Tooth!'
  • Restart the surgery multiple times until you get ideal rotten tooth spawning (at least 2 next to each other).